
How to Become a Blogger in Pakistan.


Influenced by all the Instagram celebrities calling themselves bloggers? Dream of becoming a “big” blogger with a massive fan following? Want to be the next in thing and take over the “Instagram” blogging industry? The first thing you got to do is, get a few of your facts right.

What actually is Blogging?


If you are in the naive boat which assumes every YouTuber or Instagramer to be a blogger then you need to read this blog post because I have spared my precious time to educate you over the subject and that too, for free.

First things first, posting content over Instagram or any social media platform, does not make you a blogger. This is funny because Instagram is not a blog.

A blog basically is like your personal journal, a weblog, or to sound less confusing, a website where you post articles, called blog posts.

Fact check #1

  • People with no personal blogs or websites are not bloggers.

Why Blog?


While for someone like me and my sister, blogging is a hobby. It is a great time pass and something which can keep us literati’s busy for good.

Being the students of English Language and Literature, we certainly wanted to create our personal space where we could pour our heart out, and this is what this blog is all about.

Getting tired of the long tales and want to skip to your favorite part? If you want to start blogging in Pakistan, I say you read this entire post as it comprises our experience of 5 years.

How to become a blogger and start a blog in Pakistan?

Before you begin, ask yourself the purpose behind blogging.

Are you starting a blog out of a hobby? or do you want to earn a living through it? Although it is hard for a beginner, blogging does let you make dollars out of your passion.

If you are a hobbyist, Signup for a free WordPress or Blogger account and start writing, but if you are later, fasten your seat belt as it is going to be a rough and long ride.

Step 1: Choose a Niche

Depending on your interest, choose a niche that you would focus your blog on. Suppose, If you wish to write about parenting, then target keywords and topics related to that niche.

Example of some popular Blog Niches :

  • Marketing
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Parenthood
  • Food etc

Step 2: Decide a Domain Name

A domain is basically a web address where users over the internet can access your website.

Depending on your niche, pick a domain name that is easily accessible. Suppose, your name is Sarah and you are starting a blog about pets, make sure to choose a domain name that comprises of the keyword ” pets” hence making it easy for web surfers to find you.


Step 3: Purchase a Domain

For your website to launch, you would require the help of a web host. An internet hosting service that would allow you to make your website accessible through the World Wide Web.

Some of the top web hosts are Blue host, GoDaddy, Wix, etc.

Step 4: Start creating quality content

Good content drives users to your website and the more the visitors, the higher the publicity. The goal is to create content that is unique and original. Do not copy other blogs, as google can track down plagiarized content and you lose your chances of AdSense verification in the future.

Step 5: Apply for AdSense

Once you have reached a good amount of blog posts on your website, it’s time to monetize your website,i.e, earn money from it.

Signup for an AdSense account and wait for approval, once you are lucky enough to be approved. You start making money out of your content.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Your journey starts once you are approved by Google. You can then pat your self over the shoulder for your very first accomplishment and continue your regime of content creation.

Pro Tip: Don’t look for shortcuts because there are not many when it comes to blogging. Take the long route but the honest one, the journey may be long but it’s always worth it.