5 Summer Skincare Tips for Glowing Skin

Looking for useful summer skincare tips? This is exactly what you need.

Every year makeup trends change, fashion trends change and standards of beauty evolve. Yet despite these changes, the desire for youthful, flawless, healthy skin remains the same. We know that the heat is getting you worried about your summer skincare. Don’t fret, as always, we are here to guide you through.

Let’s start with the essentials … Sunscreen? Nope.

AleksandarNakic / Getty Images

We have been educated through social media that Skincare that lacks sunscreen is of no use. Though true in various prospects, sunscreen contributes to the anti-ageing process, it is important to include it in your routine when you step outdoors, but is it entirely beneficial, crucial, or mandatory in your regular skincare for the summer? no.

If you suffer from acne, oily skin, or acne-prone skin, it is important to understand that sunscreen is not for you. While struggling with acne myself, my dermatologist advised me to avoid overusing sunscreen, and if possible, not use it at all until my acne clears. So, ladies, the internet has its recommendations, but a skincare routine suitable for everyone is not on the list.

However, after trial and error, test after test, and understanding the basic requirements of every skin, we’ve come to a conclusion that including these five steps in your Summer Skincare will leave your skin, fresh, nourished, and alive.

So what are they?

1. A Proper Cleansing Routine


In the hot summers, it is important to consider the humidity and dust in the environment. If you’re someone that lives in a considerably hot country, it is to be noted that the heat will contribute to excessive sweat and open pores, these open pores will trap the dust and result in white or blackheads. Therefore, it is a must to include Cleansing in your Summer Skincare routine. Using a cleanser according to your skin type, sensitivity and environment is important. Also, it is important to remember that overdoing a certain step may cause more harm than good, so make sure you include cleansing in your daytime skincare.

2. Lightweight Makeup Products

L’Oreal Paris

During the morning and day, when the sun is at its height and the heat is intolerable is usually the time when we set off to school, university, or the office. These outdoor appearances compel us to apply makeup. The already accompanying sweat, open pores, dust, and oil then remain trapped on our skin, and the contents of our makeup products aid the process of slowly destroying our skin. Thus, if you want your summer skincare magic to work, it depends on what makeup products you use during the day. Lightweight makeup products like BB cream or tinted sunscreens may do just the job.

3. Hydraulic acid

Ohlamour Studio/Stocksy

Let’s hop on the bandwagon of using acids on your face, yes, acids, although the term is generally horrifying, it has become quite the norm to use varying acids on your face. The confusion here lies in what to use on your face, and specifically what to include in your Summer Skincare. Hydraulic Acid is well known for its soothing and moisturizing abilities and is super lightweight and gentle when applied correctly. But make sure you do not apply any acid and come in contact directly with the sun, to be on the safer end include this step in your nighttime routine, you can use it during the day if you do not have to go outdoors.

4. Anti-ageing + Night Creams


It is recommended by dermatologists to include anti-ageing products in your skincare when you hit 22 years of age. The focus areas of your face should be your eyes and places where wrinkles are likely to develop. Investing in a good eye cream and a night cream is important for healthier skin. It is to be noted that the night creams to be used in your Summer Skincare vary from the ones used in the winter. The summer creams are light, not too oily. Thus, make your choice according to the season for optimal results.

5. Moisturize


It is time we shatter the myth that people with oily skin cannot moisturize; it is important to give your skin the essential moisture, so that it may not produce excessive oil. Moisturizers that are lightweight, not oily, and do not clog pores are recommended for oily skin. This last step is a must in your skincare, whether it is summer skincare or a winter skincare routine, moisturizing is a must.

With that said, you know you cannot miss these 5 important steps in your routine, you are free to add as it suits you, but it is recommended that you follow these five steps religiously throughout the summer. Your skin will thank you for it!

Laiba Shafiq

I am a Writer, Poet, Artist, and Blogger. I believe that words and art are the highest form of expression; a powerful and impactful means of communication. I hope to influence, inform and positively impact my readers.

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